Sottile Law PLLC Understands That Convenience Is Key When It Comes To Making Payments.
We Now Accept PayPal As One Of Our Preferred Payment Methods.
Alternatively You May Mail A Check Or Money Order To:
Sottile Law PLLC
PO Box 7169
Capitol Station
Albany, NY 12224
Sottile Law PLLC does not charge a surcharge or convenience fee when a client pays with an online payment card such as a credit, debit or eCheck. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE A REASONABLE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEE WILL BE APPLY AND MAY BE CHARGED BY VENMO OR BILLED TO THE CLIENT AS AN EXPENSE. By making a payment via VENMO or LIKE CREDIT CARD PROCESSOR you are consenting to be financially responsible for these additional charges in advance.
Making a payment to an attorney without a formal written agreement does not automatically create an attorney-client relationship. It's important for both clients and attorneys to be clear about their intentions and expectations when considering legal representation. Please be advised that specific rules and regulations regarding attorney-client relationships may vary by jurisdiction, so it's essential to consult with an attorney who is familiar with the laws and rules in your specific area, such as New York State, if you have any concerns or questions about forming an attorney-client relationship.